Academy of Independent Parchment Tutors

Do not share designs! If neither a free pattern or your own original design, you must ensure that the pattern used is owned legitimately by all parties and not just a copy.
In addition, do not alter a designer’s patterns in any way, that does not convert them into your originals.
There is a misconception in some countries that by altering a design by 10%, it may be claimed as an original.
That is incorrect and most definitely so in the UK.
Also it should be remembered that once a design has been published (for instance by a book or magazine), copyright i.e the right to copy, publish sell and distribute in any format remains with the publisher and not the designer.
In the case of the now defunct Parchment Craft Magazine, copyright has reverted to the originator and so no patterns should be copied and shared from old printed copies.
Academy course work designs are for personal use only by those individuals working on them.
On no account should they be copied/shared or used for lessons by tutors.
Please do not breach copyright.