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About Us

We are a friendly supportive group of Parchment craft enthusiasts, from all over the world, who wish to help others learn this fascinating and absorbing craft.

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Learning Styles:

Individuals tend to have a personal preference for the best way to learn new skills.

We all use a combination of styles but we may favour one approach more than others:

1. By seeing – watching a demonstration

2. By listening – having verbal instruction

3. By written instruction - having written instructions

4. By doing – practising under supervision

​Ideally a mix of the above is the best way to offer instruction. But, it is important to be aware that different students require different forms of support to suit their learning style.

The Academy does not set out to train candidates to teach in a formal classroom context.

For that they would need to go to college and complete a formal course.

Rather it sets out to prepare candidates to share skills in parchment craft, leading by example, so candidates need to be able to demonstrate their expertise in a range of techniques used in the craft.

Assessment and feedback are crucial for helping people learn.

Progress through the Academy levels should be considered more like completing a course rather than a series of exams.

In order to share parchment craft skills a tutor needs to be familiar with the principal techniques. Basic parchment skills are covered, but the requirements for completing each design are accompanied by detailed instructions which, as well as giving candidates direction, are also a resource on how to do each technique.

The result builds into a portfolio of skills and techniques used in parchment craft which, together with a range of handouts, will form a basis for developing lesson plans, the candidate’s completed work completing each design.

Tutors will also develop their own approach which is based on their previous experience and ongoing learning through the Academy update sessions.

Like any area of expertise things change overtime with the development of new tools, new trends and fashion so it is anticipated that the Academy will also change and develop over time with extension courses for each level.


To find a tutor near you please contact Pat Murphy or Mary Price 

e mail:

Tel: +44-1752-784281

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